Buying and Selling Collectible Banknotes in Ottawa and Gatineau
Ashbrook Collectibles offers original collectible banknotes in Ottawa, Gatineau, and surrounding areas. Paper money is always rich in history and appearance. Our professionals will help you start a collection or sell what you no longer need. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced collector, you can come to us to build your collection.
You’ll find an extensive collection of world banknotes, paper money sets, and other collectibles at our store. We buy, sell, and trade Canadian Government paper money, Canadian banknotes and worldwide paper money. You can count on our knowledgeable appraiser to propose a fair price for your valuable collectible currency. Connect with us for any questions.

Earn Some Extra Money
Do you have paper money or currency lying around that you don’t know what to do with? Bring it to Ashbrook Collectibles, and one of our experts will appraise its worth. You can also exchange it on the spot at our shop for cash. You can depend on us for:
​Confederate money
Old world money
Larger-sized money
Currency exchange
As a coin and currency dealer in Ottawa, we pay you near market value for the currency and paper money you have. We will do thorough research to give you an accurate appraisal. You will always get the right price for your currency. Call us now for an appointment.
History of Paper Money:
“Paper money in Canada has a much longer and interesting history than many would suspect. During the early days of the French regime, North America's first paper money was made on the backs of ordinary playing cards or parts of them. This famous playing card money even preceded the notes of the American colonies to the south.
In those long distant days, paper money was a new idea and it was only a representative of coined money. A note was a promise to pay real money (coins) if the note holder so desired.”
“Collectors of Canadian paper money have much to choose from. The earliest banks, whether chartered or private, issued their notes. Many merchants did so as well. In addition to the private issues were government notes on the municipal, provincial and federal levels.”
“All of the paper money now in circulation is issued by our central bank, the Bank of Canada”.
*Above quotes and text have been sourced from the Bank Note catalogue.
Source Attribution:
The Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Bank Notes, 9th edition
R.J. Graham editor
The Charlton Press, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2006